Discover how a segway works with Off-Road Segways

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The Machine


The Segway is a combination of sensors coupled with a control system connected to an electric motor system. The primary sensor system is an assembly of gyroscopes. A basic gyroscope is a spinning wheel inside a stable frame. A spinning object resists changes to its axis of rotation, because an applied force moves along with the object itself.

If you push on a point at the top of a spinning wheel, for example, that point moves around to the front of the wheel while it is still feeling the force you applied. As the point of force keeps moving, it ends up applying force on opposite ends of the wheel; the force balances itself out because of its resistance to the outside force, a gyroscope wheel will maintain its position in space relative to the ground, even if you tilt it. But the gyroscope’s frame will move freely in space.

At Off Road Segway UK Ltd, we soon found out that by measuring the position of the gyroscope’s spinning wheel relative to the frame, a precise sensor could tell the angle of the Segway (basically, how much it is tilting away from an upright position) as well as its pitch rate (how quickly it is tilting).

A conventional gyroscope would be cumbersome and hard to maintain in this sort of vehicle, so the Segway gets the same effect with a different sort of mechanism. Segways use a particular angular rate sensor. This sort of gyroscope determines an object’s rotation. Simply put, this effect is the apparent turning of an object moving in relation to another rotating object.

The Segway generally has five gyroscopic sensors, though the base, but only needs three to detect forward and backward pitch and leaning to the left or right. The extra sensors add. to make the vehicle more reliable. Additionally, the Segway has two tilt sensors filled with electrolyte fluid. Like your inner ear. This system figures out its position relative to the ground based on the tilt of the fluid surface.

The Segway has a total of 10 on-board microprocessors, which boast – in total, about three times the power of a normal home computer. Usually, both boards work together, but if one board breaks down; the other will take over all functions so that the system can inform the rider of a failure and shut down safely. That’s it in a nutshell, simple!

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